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Tiktok vs YouTube becoming big issue in India | Youtubers reply.

Video credit= TECHINICAL GURUJI YOUTUBE CHANNEL SO friends as you know that in India now a days YouTube vs tik tok controvercy is very much increasing  Mostly every entertainment channel had make atleast one video on this topic. Even big youtubers had given reply on this as below you can see technical Guru ji's video This conterovercy is same as previous one Tseries vs piedie......  But recently YouTube had removed all these tiktok vs YouTube video form  Big youtubers channels.. And YouTube reply was that these video was violetic against their policy... So after that some youtubers give reply as you can see 1 reply below...  Source=youtube
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Small puppies stuck in hot rock tar. || animal rescued.

Credit of this video goes to ANIMAL AID Community who helps suffering animals at free of cost .. You can visit to their youtube channel.  Source = ANIMAL AID (YouTube)  As you can see friend in this following video these three puppies stuck in hot rock tar from last some hours when people watch these puppies. Then they call  ANIMAL AID UNLIMATED .  helping community who helps suffering animal. They reach there on time .But when they watch the condition of puppies was very complicated. They were badly stuck and not even to move even a inch So they tried to much to remove puppies from tar but they can't and puppies were crying continuously.  So they desided to take whole tar with them and in their lab they will do something  So at last they suscessed to remove puppies from tar and all the puppies were fit And fine.. For more information you can watch video.  Small request from us to you=  Friends this is very difficult time going on as you know

Upcoming Marvel movies

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विशाखापट्टनम में जानलेवा गैस लीक( vishakampatnam poisinious gas leak) latest news 2020

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Download any paid app And games at free. Premium version and mod unlocked free

Today You are here to know  about that how you can Download HACK or Premium version of any App or Game at FREE   YES this is 100% true blog that you are going to read Now a days many new intresting and useful apps and games are on play store and on google but when you try to download or use that app you need to buy subscription of that  or you need to spend money to unlock any pro thing on that app or game But what if I will say that there is no need to spend money to unlock pro version of app or game . Yes you can get every thing at free #HOW WE CAN DO THAT You just need to install one app which named as ACMARKET ACMARKET is a free app which provides you 90% of apps at free of cost even you can downloaf paid apps and games at free of cost from this app..                                                LINK OF APPLICATION                                    IS AT LAST.👇👇👇 #PROOF  This is outer look of app  Kinemaster is most rated editing

LOCKDOWN का पालन ना करने पर पुलिस का बड़ा कदम !! पालन ना करने वालों को उठाकर CORONA के मरीज की AMBULANCE मे डाल दिया | जरूर देखिए

पुलिस का बड़ा कदम देख कर दंग रह जाएंगे आप !!!  =जानिए पूरी खबर 👇👇 दोस्तों आज मैं आपके लिए एक बहुत ही मजेदार खबर लेकर आया हूं इसको देख कर आपको बहुत है हंसी आएगी और थोड़ा सा गुस्सा भी ! दोस्तों जैसा कि आपको पता है पूरे भारत में लोक डाउन  LOCKDOWN चल रहा है बहुत बड़ी मुश्किल से गुजर रहा है इस CORONAVIRUS महामारी ने सभी देशों को हिला दिया है विश्व का सबसे शक्तिशाली देश देश के प्रकोप से नहीं बच पाया तो हमारा हिंदुस्तान इसके सामने क्या है लेकिन हम सभी लोगों की और आपकी समझदारी से हमारा भारत अभी भी इस बीमारी से बहुत हद तक बचा हुआ है|| भारत के कोने कोने से लोग  LOCKDOWN  का अच्छे से पालन कर रहे हैं लेकिन जैसा कि आपको पता है कुछ लोग अभी भी हैं जो  LOCKDOWN  को मानने को बिल्कुल तैयार नहीं है  वह तो ऐसा सोच कर बैठे हैं की  CORONA  उनका कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता | दोस्तों ऐसे लोगों से हमारा पूरा प्रशासन बहुत परेशान हो गया था तो आखिरकार पुलिस को एक बड़ा कदम उठाना ही पड़ा| तो आइए जानते हैं क्या है यह बड़ा कदम तो दोस्तों जैसा कि आप इस ऊपर की तस्वीर में देख रहे हैं कीर लाल Scooty क